Willow House

Willow House Design Consultant

Weekly Outlet Deals ~ Shop Online

We’ve been waiting for you! When you host a Willow House party you can experience our generous host rewards first-hand. When you conduct a party as a Consultant the rewards just keep coming!

If you have been to one of our parties, then you know how much fun it can be to gather, relax and shop. Our consultants are part of a business that celebrates family, friends and helping others achieve their dreams. And we’re a business that thrives in a slow economy because we have the products people want as they entertain more and more at home.
Learn about the many opportunities we offer, and experience the excitement of entertaining as a lifestyle.

Two Rewarding Opportunities:

Host a party & get:

•Free products

•10% - 20% discounts

•Half-price items

•Any item at 70% off when your party reaches $250

Start your business & get:

•$550 worth of starter products

•Great rank-based commissions

•Personal volume bonuses

•the freedom to set your own hours and bring home a generous paycheck