Welcome to our updated blog! After friends & family have started their new blogs, and as I posted earlier....I decided to update & commit to ours. I have thought & thought about a catchy name for our blog & The Dunagan Daily continued to pop in my mind. After reading, my sister in laws, The Lothridge Log and friend of mine, The Vinton's View.... I didn't want it to be so alike & they think I was a stalking copycat but I decided on it & it has stuck!
As some may not find our little life interesting, it can be quite comical at times! With family spread out across the southeast & friends all over the place, my committment is to give all those near & far a dose of what's going on with us!
If you know me, you know this blog will on many occasions look different as I am known to change backgrounds, headers & colors on a weekly basis. This not only applies to our blog but also our living room! What's wrong with changing things up time to time?! Trip thinks I am crazy and that's ok....he still loves me & for that, I am a happy lady! Also on this blog, you will occasionally see posts on embroidery, photography & Willow House, ALL 3 things I love to do! Thankfully I am blessed to have been doing these things for some time because now, I will now be doing these things full time. With a new year, begins a new journey. I am excited & looking forward to sharing my adventures here.
I hope that you will join us & follow along!
Thanks to a sweet friend of mine, I have started a new devotional this year.....Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. It is incredible & I have included January 3rd's devotion...I continue to go back to it on a daily basis during quiet time. Enjoy!
January 3
Refresh yourself in the Peace of My Presence.
This Peace can be your portion at all times and in all circumstances. Learn to hide in the secret of My Presence, even as you carry out your duties in the world. I am both with you and within you. I go before you to open up the way, and I also walk alongside you. There could never be another companion as devoted as I am.
Because I am your constant Companion, there should be a lightness to your step that is observable to others. Do not be weighed down with problems and unresolved issues, for I am your burden-bearer. In the world you have trials and distress, but don't let them get you down. I have conquered the world and deprived it of power to harm you. In Me you may have confident Peace.
Psalm 31:19-20; John 16:33
Thanks for the follow Brooke, I love your blog look (of course the polka dots) and the header is way cute...love that it's all black and white. I also love your blog name! I look forward to checking it out. Hope you enjoy the read. :) Oh and that second scripture about having a lighter step and not being weighed down should be sutured to my brain. Great scripture!!
Sorry, had to leave one more comment. I saw your tweet about Bella and the strawberry shortcake and had to laugh. Crazy because my daughter said the same thing about the cake today (for the hundredth time) and her middle name is Isabella. She's also a huge Dora fan. Funny.
Of course I love the name, the look and am so excited to follow The Dunagan Daily! I am also happy to be a part of the first "new" blog post;) You are a precious friend of mine!
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